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Beckham Law

If you are interested in Beckham Law, contact us for more information

What is Beckham’s Law?

The Beckham Law, officially known as the Impatriate Tax Regime, is a special tax regime applicable to all those foreigners who start living in Spain for work purposes, and which brings them great economic benefits. The main objective of this legislation is to attract foreign talent and qualified personnel to Spain by offering them favourable tax treatment during their first years of residence in the country.

This group of people have the possibility of opting to be taxed under a tax regime very similar to that of Non-Residents, despite the fact that they are actually tax residents because they have been in Spain for more than 183 days. Therefore, these persons are considered as IRPF taxpayers during the tax period in which the change of residence takes place and the following five, as indicated in Article 93 of the aforementioned legislation.

Who can benefit from the Beckham Law?

Foreign workers who have recently moved to Spain.

Expatriates with high incomes who hold executive or management positions.

Administrators who come to work in a company.

Requirements to apply for the Beckham Law

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