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C/ Migdia, 37 2n A - 17002 Girona
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If you are interested in Mediation, contact us for more information

What is mediation?

Mediation is a process of negotiation by which the parties involved in a conflict try to resolve a dispute for themselves with the aim of finding the most beneficial solutions for both parties, with the help of an impartial third party, the mediator, who acts without decision-making powers.

Mediation is voluntary and nobody can be obliged to continue participating in a mediation process nor to reach an agreement. A particular characteristic of mediation is that the process can be abandoned at any moment, but that if it goes ahead the parts in the conflict themselves agree on the solution to the conflict with the assistance of the mediator. In the event of the procedure being abandoned and the conflict continues, the only solution is to make recourse to the courts.

What can mediation be used for?

Mediation can take place for family, separation and divorce, legacies and inheritance, and family business matters. Mediation is also available for labour, civil, mercantile, community, school, and residents’ association questions.

Principles of mediation

Voluntary and discretionary.


Equality of the parties and the impartiality of the mediator.






Advantages of mediation

It is faster.

It is cheaper.

Recourse to arbitration and trial is not impeded.

Professional secrecy is maintained.

Everybody wins.

How to request mediation services

Before looking for a solution through the courts, ask for mediation services for the resolution of family, labour, commercial, and civil disputes. Valero Tax Legal has professionals in mediation who are able to manage these types of disputes and facilitate communication between the different parties.


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